lunedì 29 novembre 2010

Never leave your education !

I strongly recommend this movie..Every young girl can easily relate to it! It made me think about how us, young people always want to find a shortcut to the life we have always dreamed of. It may seem the easiest path but ..are you ready to take the risks?

Enjoyed every minute of it! Absolutely loved it!


domenica 10 ottobre 2010

Birkin obsession

The most divinely perfect bag I've ever seen! 

I remember when I found out who inspired the bag and all of a sudden it was no wonder why this bag is so divinely wonderful, elegant and chic! Jane Birkin is so inspiring and unique. Her style is fresh and daring at the same time. She was an icon of her age and still is one for many women all around the world.

 There are so many stories regarding the concept idea of the bag, but most of them say that Jane Birkin was on a flight from Paris to London, when she pulled her Hermes datebook out of her bag and all her papers fell on the floor. It was a coincidence that she was sitting next to the chairman of Hermes, and she complained to this "passenger" sitting next to her that the book should have pockets. Jean-Louis Dumas took her datebook and returned it a few weeks later with a pocket sewn into the back, which has become standard since. Birkin therefore told Dumas about her difficulty in finding a leather weekend bag and described her ideal. The bag she described arrived at her flat shortly thereafter, with a note from Dumas.

Gainsbourg and Jane formed  a very controversial couple, and you might, and I'm saying just "might" have heard this song of theirs.


martedì 2 marzo 2010

domenica 10 gennaio 2010

Impression, soleil levant...

"Mes femmes sont des gens simples... Je les montre sans coquetterie, à l'état de bêtes qui se nettoient." - Edgar Degas

The impressionism, colors, joy, capturing the moment, movement, movement as a crucial element of human perception and experience from unusual visual angles. I've been listening all day Yann Tiersen, a French composer whose music has always brought me peace of mind..I've been thinking a lot at my life..past present future..and I felt the need to look for my book of history of art to see my favourite paintings. I pretty like art (my teacher is great.maybe it's because of her that I'm so into it). Looking through the book I went into my all time favourite painting that is "La classe de dance" ( The dance class )

Musèe D'Orsay, Paris

This oil on canvas is breathtaking. The white of the dancer’s dresses has an almost luminescent quality and gives the painting so much depth and visual interest. When I first saw this painting, I was struck by the costume of the dancers that is so "fairy tale-ish" and so romantic at the same time. I love how Degas painted the tulle of the tutus out of pure white and how the free flowing of these tutus emphasises lightness and introduces us to the magical atmosphere of romantic ballets...
Uhmm I'm getting too sensitive and romantic..maybe I should stop listening to Tiersen..somebody stop me(ahah)
Anyway, as you noticed Degas is my favourite impressionist painter, even though he's not completely an impressionist. Here are other wonderful paintings of his !!!

Danseuses mauves

Danseuses bleues - Musèe D'Orsay, Paris

The rehearsal

Two dancers on the stage - Courtauld Gallery, London

The blurriness, the hazy light that
surrounds them, and especially their tutus is what makes these ballerinas so beautiful. The tutus are so light that they look like
butterflies’ wings..

Dites moi ce que vous en pensez...